Perceiving Depth

November 29, 2015  •  Leave a Comment
Parallax is the perceived change in the position of an object, relative to its surroundings, as the object is viewed along an alternate sight line. The closer the object is, the larger the parallax, such that a distance may be judged between objects, which are farther away.


In astronomy this applies to the estimation of stellar distances. In biology it refers to the positioning of eyes, particularly in humans, wherein each eye's visual field overlaps, thereby creating depth perception.
Within photography this would be the difference in shooting an object from different angles or with different lenses, thereby increasing or decreasing the sense of depth within the frame.

If our physical eyes frame the world via stereopsis, or binocular vision, (which maybe in real-time, memory, or a created image) how do we view our metaphysical experiences in the world? Where do we stand inside of ourselves as we look through the eyes of our soul?

It is altogether possible that we may become fixated in our standpoint and thereby in our perceptions, relying on instinct and habit to guide us. Seeing ourselves from a stationary position within the context of our surroundings limits our understanding of our relationships to Self, Other, and Source.

What in your life do you persist in seeing from only one perspective? How does this affect your view of life? How does this view inform the images you capture through your lens?

As an experiment, try looking at the world through one eye, then the other. Then manifest that gestalt in reference to some situation in your life. Literally stand on one side of the proverbial fence, make a statement from that position, then move yourself to the other side of the fence and respectfully state an observation from there. (You may find this to be a longer conversation, so keep it simple to start). Now, pick up your camera, approach a subject matter, take a frame or two, and move to the opposite side and repeat.

Reflect on where your instincts took you, what you saw from that place, and what, if anything, changed inside, when you physically altered your viewpoint.



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