I came across a quote from Dickens today that made me think of many first & wondrous days.
"...that was a memorable day for me, for it made great changes in me. But it is the same way with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns and flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day."
Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year, and thus the longest night. With each passing day we witness the sun's fire showing itself a little more, a little more.
So it is with the ebb and flow of our Life's Shadow & Light. One gives to the other in cycles of time, sometimes imperceivably, until that moment, tipping over our perception to the changes that have taken place. A new orbit begins, the tides shift, night interchanges with day.
The succession of phases has a marked difference between the scientific swirlings of celestial bodies and our personal experience of time and change. Perhaps things seemed much darker and shorter, say in part due to external storms, or in part due to an interior cosmos clouded from the sun.
If your inner landscape is feeling murky, there are any number of methods to clear the particles of mind, matter and spirit. There is the contemplation of what is, turning inward for exploration. There is also the consideration of what is not, viewing outward to what is possible. In the case of looking to venture out of a mist, one may consider thinking of a day that burns brightly in memory to see if any aspect of that mindset or activity is re-creatable in the present.
If a person can't see the forest through the trees, it's saying that the big picture is lost in some finer detail. Perhaps a perspective is honed in so tightly on one aspect of that person's viewpoint that they've foreclosed on the image before it's magic is allowed to come through.
How willing are you to change the way you look at things? Turn your head, invert your senses, and wrap your mind around an altered relation to the subject. Perhaps, even say, get a proverbial wrench and adjust your attitude.
Consider how many times you've heard, "There's nothing here for me", or "I'm not inspired", or "There's no good shot"? Next time any of these situations come up, encourage the option to stay right where you are and be in the nothing, be uninspired, be disappointed. Hang out, soak in it and be curious. Try entertaining the possibility of "What if?"
If a person can't see the vineyard through the leaves, it's saying that it's time to refocus your attention, and who knows what you'll see. Maybe more leaves, maybe the vineyard, and maybe just a little of both.